
That's a common misconception, actually. So, with pin curls, the more you brush, the better they look. For the most part, you pincurl in order to give you the ability to sculpt the hair in ways you couldn't if you didn't have the base curl. When you take out the pincurls, they're tight little ringlets, usually a

I inherited a few of those. Silver and engraved with the initials of my great grandmother I was named after. The ones with no handles were used for brushing the lint off clothing, the handled one is for your hair, which back then was very long if you were a proper lady type.

It was from the night before, jesus. And it wasn't used, the plastic wrap never even came off!

I'd shoot someone in the ass for some penis cake right now. That sounds really delicious.

That said, don't fuck in a fucking cab, you filthy animal. No one comes to your workplace and fucks on your desk while you're trying to work.

It's possible! If anyone else has good /bad memoir recs, please let me know!

See, that is the thing about kids these days -instead of pot, they take uppers like adderrall and cocaine. And then do things like write REALLY long emails about almost nothing, instead of watching cartoons and eating Cheetos like a normal college kid.

Metric system, amirite?!?

This might be the single most passive-aggressive, schizophrenic email I've ever read. He goes from "yeah, sorry about that" to "YOU SELF-ENTITLED PRICK WITH BAD HAIR!" to "I'm stalking you on the internet" to "we could be great friends...we both love Obama!" to "YOU SELF-ENTITLED PRICK! YOU'RE MAKING OBAMA AND

I don't know how much of a douche Tyler is beyond complaining about a lack of parties in a dorm, but I get the sense that the guy that wrote this e-mail is way douchier.

Lol. I'm only a humble Shade Padawan, but if you don't know for sure, it was probably shade.

Those belladonna eye drops helped my great grandma go blind.

I dunno, guys. Her butt jiggles really well. If it is fake (which I really don't believe) it's gotta be high quality stuff. Not fix-a-flat.

And my personal favourite, Lysol was once marketed as a vaginal douche.

Oh! And belladonna eyedrops, for glassy dilated speedfreak pupils that were attractive for some reason. And arsenic wafers, for that fetching consumption-pallor complexion. Let's hear it for the beauty industry!

Women used to plaster their faces with lead based makeup, which could shrivel their skin, cause infertility, insanity or death. La plus ça change...

can we get a cookie interview on jez?? MAKE IT HAPPEN PLEASE.

It looks like this gentleman is investigating just Where the "South Wind" Blows, and has determined that it's coming from milady's rear.

I own a lot of romance novels, and Fabio is on maybe 3 of them. But what I really, really didn't like about the original article (on Femsplain) was this:

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