
Why can’t they sell snacks or mixers? Surely it’s better for people to be eating and mixing their drinks with something?

Him being a fucking idiot probably gives surprisng leeway in certain areas.

They’re also called “stitch reamers” not sure if that’s just in Australia though.

They must offer awesome sun protection though

There are other SPF50 sunscreens that don’t have a white cast though.

There are other SPF50 sunscreens that don’t have a white cast though.

Why would you need to restrict it to people with small children?

I was actually surprised by how sweet and nice Jake Paul was in this, before the “reveal”.  which is definitely not something I ever though I’d say. Also they seem to be a real couple, at least from Jake’s point of view!

He did quite possibly die of pneumonia, it’s a frequent opportunistic infection resulting in death in an AIDS patients (back then, and now for anyone not able to take the medications now available)

It’s not abnormal. Google “Cute Agression”.

Are you serious about the blazer thing? I can see thinking that’s weird when you’re in high school, but who cares now if she had a favourite blazer she wore often.?

Um so.. the guy that shot up and passed out... and wouldn’t wake up? Did anyone help him or anything happen bc when you shoot up with heroin and that series of events occurs... you do tend to die.   Not saying it was your responsibility obviously, but just wondering.

People put their ID in their vagina?? Why?  And then they die? That’s so horrible.


No, if you can scarf it up within 3-5 seconds of eating it, it’s totally not riddled with pathogens.

Yeah but this is the bit where he’s the president now

Well that does at least show you need it.  Also maybe... look into meditating or something?

I have definitely chipped my front teeth in three separate occasions.  I’m getting one of those guards. I kind of... unconsciously snap/chomp while I’m sleeping though.  It’s not great.

Wait, it’s illegally to accidentally have diarehea in a pool?

Yeah, not a capers salesman, that’s quite funny. 

I think it was a pretty good idea for him to tell the police that were searching him that there were (what sounds like possibly uncapped and used) syringes on his person, if they discovered that themselves and “got sticked” He would have been in a hell of a lot more trouble, and it would have been shitty of him.