The Smoke

All impressive except the Mass Effect one. I don't know how it was everywhere else, but if you were at Phoenix CC this year you stopped being impressed by N7 armor after day one. It was a small army of Shepards.

Nice to see some guy cosplay and good one at that too (specially the predator and spawn pics)

Wow this guy is an amazing cosplayer! Briareos looks friggin' awesome.

Wow! And he isn't a 100 pound blonde woman with massive tits. Good for him.

His Predator is masterful. I freakin' love his Briareos. And that Rocketeer cosplay of his is everything.

Death to the False Emperor!

He was catty-corner to the Extra Life Philadelphia Booth at Philly ComicCon. Had some very impressive outfits and seemed happy to take pictures with everyone.

Briareos Hecatonchires! Someone get this cosplayer a Deunan Knute for an awesome team up.