“This movie relies too much on old ideas!”
“This movie relies too much on old ideas!”
My excitement over the return of Mr. Robot is the only thing keeping me going now that Twin Peaks is almost over. I loved both the first and second seasons a ridiculous amount, and I can’t wait to have my everyone’s-a-robot theory validated.
Don’t blame the voters for the failure of the candidate. There’s a very obvious reason why Clinton lost Obama voters and it isn’t because they suddenly became lazy overnight.
Actually apart from this casting, most of what I have heard sounds pretty good. Del Toro’s Hellboy was great fun and successfully translated Mignola’s visual esthetic, but juvenalized the characters and softened the dark tone of the comics (Mignola himself stated some dissatisfactions with the finished product).…
I am excited as hell. The previous movies missed the tone of the comics completely. They were goofy as hell. This sounds more in line with what Mignola created. They’re my favorite comic book series, and I really did not enjoy the GDT movies. I don’t think he understood the source material at all. Apparently he…
surprisingly, Im going to miss Dougie Jones.
Nope. This is really misleading and they’re going to end having to correct it unless something else comes out.
Has someone accused Louis CK of a crime?