
I wonder if this is the garden inside the TARDIS?

But Barry’s in the wheelchair! They can’t both be in it! Unless one is sitting on the other’s lap....

Oh please don’t tell me Merida winds up with him. I hope he’s just the villain who kidnapped her brothers here. MulanMerida!

No, The Long, Long Trailer was made during the TV series.

Blaine is a pain, and that is the truth.

Not yet.

I must admit it sounded like a lot. I had not realized/remembered how brutal it was.

Yeah, and my station-the picture was actually on the fritz, sort of wavering/wobbly. Changing that recording.

Yeah, the first season was great, spectacular and monumental in most forms. The second season was a little down for me, despite the appearance of Mycroft, and last season-well, it was sort of interesting. Kitty made quite an impression, almost wish she might return, and Joan’s growth into a full-blown detective was

Okay, that clip from The Good Dinosaur already had me tearing up.

Personally, I think this may turn into "The Rise of Grindelwald". I mean, think about it, Grindelwald was supposed to have come into power in the 40s or so with Dumbledore fighting him. If this trilogy takes place over several years, maybe going into the Dust Bowl/Depression era, I could see something developing along

True, and part of me is also wondering if this is going to lean into the Red Scare of the time period with Graves acting as an J. Edgar Hoover figure and Mary Lou as...well, further South.

Yeah, I got them from vendors through Amazon-the latter ones, The Glorious Dead, Oblivion, and The Flood were excellent. I read those before I tried Endgame-eh, I did not like Endgame as much. It was like a transitional point in writing styles and stories.

Just looking online, it is a ton of classic Doctor Who episodes. Not even the entire range of classic Doctor Who, but definitely a ton more than Netflix or Amazon.

He has been trying. Admittedly, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies might not be premiere...

Very potent now, looking at this picture again.

Personally, I began to realize the nature of the ghosts is on the level of The Sixth Sense-especially in The Sixth Sense where the vomiting girl who visited Haley Joel Osment wanted his help to expose her mother's crime and save her sister.

And the actor Ariyon Bakare was so good, great in the role of Stephen Black in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I wish he could have gotten a better role.

Day of the Doctor, Kate Stewart pointed out to Clara Captain Jack's time vortex manipulator device in the UNIT Vault.

Wait a sec, is that The Abominable Bride, the ghostly figure shrouded in snow standing behind them? I had not realized it before, but seeing that blurry image and focusing on it, suddenly she appeared-like those spectral shadows that appeared in spirit photography. I bet that'll be part of the plot, spectral/spirit