
Nice image of the rainbow-drenched whale tail, although I dread what happens in the row boat.

Staying Alive, yeah yeah...anything but disco!

From a ride that first appeared in Disneyland, but is now at several of their parks.

From the place with 999 ghosts, but always room for one more.

The person is the ghost coming home with you.

Took me a moment to get this one, it's very clever!

But it's an interesting position that I think touches base with the story. He is positioned next to the setting sun, with the moisture vaporator of the past, just off to the side of the dying sun and covered in the stars of night. Kylo Ren, of course, is in the darkness and Rey is in between the light and the dark,

Ah, it might be awkward, but maybe you can make an excuse to go see it. soon after they canceled the Tron 3 movie...probably created plans for it just before they decided to axe the new sequel. Probably won't bring the movie back, even for the sake of advertising a new ride.

PS. so far I’m only 400 pages or so into Seveneves, so I haven’t got to the part where the narrative fast-forwards about 5000 years and introduces some of the unusual elements mentioned in this article. I hope it's not too obscure or indecipherable as Anathem was. I believe that the build-up/set-up of the almost

Anathem did kind of put me off Stephenson a little bit even after I had read and enjoyed Cryptonomicon and the Baroque Cycle. I just could not get through and understand the first part of the book, and I’m not entirely sure what it was about. But what brought me back was Reamde-it’s a thriller, you might call it a

For some reason, this made me say "Whoo!" I think I like this mix of voice actors for the parts and how their casting might influence/indicate the direction of the story. Yay for another fun Lego movie!

They were going to, but I guess it floundered in the development stage. Sigh.

This is kind of insane and comes out of nowhere for me at least, probably most people as well. I mean, it’s like you want to stare at Alphabet superimposed upon Google and it’s sort of gobbledegook, doesn't make sense. I wonder if this really is going to be some sort of turning point for the company or if it’s just a

Oh my gosh, I could actually see that. He has a great voice.

Hmm, yep, plus toys and merchandising-Spider Man has always been great in terms of merchandising, Fantastic Four, not so much-with a possible exception for the Thing.

Not to mention the sequel for Spiderman 3 with Raimi that was scheduled.

Not sure what to think...I do like Moffat's Doctor Who, although I had been upset to learn/realize that Sherlock Series 4 had already been delayed when it was supposed to air early 2016, following the two year pattern, but now it might be later in 2016 or even 2017. Perhaps that delay might have prompted this

They had the Wind Rises, the aircraft designer with the floating umbrella.

Oh my gosh!Mwa-ha-ha-ha, bawling with laughter over here. Ugh.