
Fandral 1 and 2.

Yep, that would be an interesting idea. Chuck gets dragged down one too many times by the spy agencies-was it CIA and NSA or something like that? I mean, the amnesia thing must have been depressing, it certainly was for me watching it.

And Zachery Levi...I wonder if he's going to be the new HRG on the show?

Oh, what is that look on Noah Bennett's face? Must be one heck of a shocker.

The sword is back! The sword is back! I do love this image and it actually got me excited for a moment. I wonder what the storyline would be this idea, just from this picture alone, is something along the lines of 'Find Hiro Nakamura'. If it worked with Save the Cheerleader...

I must laugh to not cry.

They get worse with every year, don't they?

Hooray, hooray, Galavant has come to save the day! You thought he was canceled, you thought he had given up the ghost, well, shame on you, for Galavant always comes back to save the day. Hooray, Hooray, for Galavant returns!

It's not the lack of a female lead that's a problem, don't forget Circe and Nimue were also featured as well as mentions of Hester Prynne and Anna Karenina. But the general attitude towards women-written by a guy in the 1940s, he ignored some major literary works by female writers and went with obscure works/myths in

I couldn't figure out what I read first, but I believe one of the first books I read about sex might have been 'The Final Confession of Mabel Stark' by Robert Hough. I remember the first time I crossed over from the kid section of the local library to the adult section, one of the first shelves in the adult area were

Oh, I had not thought of this, I was just thinking of her as a highway robber from the 1600s/1700s.

I know this bit of the heroes and villains switching sides and roles is a bit of a gimmick with last season's finale having been a fun romp, but I do love the fact that Regina is now Snow White and Snow White is the Evil Queen. Costume change! I wonder how the actors like their new clothes.

Douglas Adams, vaguely? Possibly Neil Gaiman? Not certain...

But it's a tan/beige shirt underneath the coat, almost his skin color.

Oh, my family might have had some of those World Books, although there was one volume that was focused on myths, legends, and stories.

Statistician and transportation planner, the Kinsey Institute and New Report might have stood out to you.

I agree that physically, Asa doesn't seem right. Although he might look, for lack of a better term, 'nerdy' enough to be Peter Parker, like in the old 60s comics when he wore glasses and sweater vests. He might look, in the modern era, so pale because he spends a lot of time in front of the computer. Sorry about that,

Love your comments, especially 'The Wheels on the Bus get blown to hell, blown to hell, blown to hell," Good-bye, Bus, we'll miss you for now! Certainly it should return next season, it's a set.

I agree about the miniseries, I imagine the character to be in his 40s or 30s, like some illustrations have shown.

Yeah, I saw the documentary beforehand. A point could be made, though, roughly speaking, that since Frankenstein is created from body parts taken from the dead, then his nature could be relearning what the formerly living people knew.