
Oh man, (finally figured out how to post on here again) this past October/November, I finally got the chance to see those performances, although based on an old review I read, I chose to see the Cumberbatch as Monster and JLM as the Doctor. I personally loved or was intrigued by that interpretation of the story with

Well, that story was written by Howard Waldrop, but still in a similar vein.

That makes me think of the first Wild Card story, Thirty Minutes Over Broadway! starring Jetboy...sigh. It was around that same period, though more immediately after the end of World War 2.

Hmm...I wonder if they are getting rid of Emma, or setting something up for next season's first arc.

Oh good grief, and it's even got headphones. Poor turtles...

'Bridge or ribbon of hot gas/plasma'...

Wasn't Paint By Numbers a trend with adults back in the 70s, or has that mostly been a kids' thing?

Another good fantasy novel I enjoyed, which featured rockers as main characters, was War for the Oaks by Emma Bull. Had some stellar stuff.

That's exactly what I said! Mind blown!

Cor! Susan! Susan!

Oh my gosh, the insanity of the Mel time loop...never realized that before.

Oh my gosh, I had not even realized what it was that was so strange about the bird-I thought it was something to do with the color of its chest-and then I saw other pictures...holy cow, that long, stray feather on the branch really isn't a stray feather at all! It's sticking out of the bird!

That June 2010 to August 2010 burst of writing, if that is what it is, fascinates me-he may not have accurately estimated how many finalized manuscript pages he had beforehand and readjusted his calculations, based on what his editors had to say about the quality of his work. Or else he really, really crammed a ton of

Well in general, in my experience, for a writer using a word processing software, a manuscript page is a double-spaced 8" by 11" document with 1" margins—it's good spacing for writing in the margins and between lines to correct stuff and make notes/suggestions for story. The font is around 12 pt. in manuscript format.

That also depends on the writer as well, how much attention and focus a writer can give to his/her work, how much are they willing to describe or write or go through to accurately, fully portray or display their story and work to a reader. It's fascinating for me to read this and understand the dedication he has for

Hello, everyone, I'm Mr. Clever!

I think the time schedule is about right, as they mentioned in that rumor, to cast Carol Danvers anyway-it's not too far off to start pre-production and stuff as well as writing the script, right?

We are Groot?

Slightly off-topic, but I believe I started watching the series around the middle of season 2, when the tail section collided with the front of the plane. I probably saw the recap show beforehand, which gave me necessary info. And then I nearly stopped watching after an episode or two of the third season, with some of

I'm sorry, Stargate, you were the first major sci-fi franchise I really got into as a fan. But I'm going to have to vote for Doctor Who, which I have been immersed into for many more years now with avid interest. You were great, though.