
While I agree with the analysis that this last fight breaks from the rest of the game, I don’t necessarily think it is misplaced and let me say why. The whole game of fighting in corridors and fleeing from un-killable enemies, instills this sense of foreboding. You as a player come to expect the jump scares, the grabs

While this is awesome news, it is the definition of poor timing... I had just read your article about the 5 best anime of 2017 (3? of which were behind the Strike paywall), and was fed up with having Prime and not wanting to pay for Strike... so I ended up binge reading the episodic plot summaries for the entire

*Spoiler for the most recent Resident Evil VR game*

*Spoiler for the most recent Resident Evil VR game*

*Spoiler for the most recent Resident Evil VR game*

Regarding the resistance telling K he is not the baby, while I agree that this was a major moment and felt undervalued given the character used to break the news, I did find it necessary to have the entire group involved (including the leader, and the sex-worker character), as my take away was that all of them

While I will not argue the point that games are in essence, toys, they are also stories. The games that Jason has shown above, especially Suikoden 3 & 5, as well as Xenosaga are some of the best stories offered up on the PS2. On that note, I will argue your 2nd point. Games are meant to be replayed not just kept to be

You need to go buy a PS2 from a Local Hobby Shop and replay Suikoden 5 then 3. PS2 graphics or not, they are both still amazing, and hold up even today. I probably break out my PS3 (am lucky to have one of the original editions that was backwards compatible), and play through both those games at least once every other

As a “Betrayal” game I would assume it would still have a traitor mechanic. Having a “lawful good” character kinda defeats that purpose. I assume that is why the character sections are more on the neutral side (not to say you couldn’t have a neutral Paladin or Cleric, but story-wise it might make it difficult).

Kirby Dream Course > Any PGA/Tiger Woods/Golden Tee game out there. The seamless integrations of the powers, the endless struggle figuring out how to get a hole in one on every course. The versus mode. All of it packaged into a game with graphics that surprisingly hold up compared to a lot of other SNES games. Pilot

Came here to post exactly this, was not upset with the volume of comments in the same vein.

Appreciate the link, although the headline is quite deceiving as the article never actually addressed which one to watch other than, I should watch all of them.

Haha I appreciate it, I will definitely start there. After all, if you can’t trust randos on the internet, who can you trust?

Haha I appreciate it, I will definitely start there. After all, if you can’t trust randos on the internet, who can you trust?

We have this mindset that we are “falling behind” and putting not having certain guns for crucible aside, to me it comes down to who we play with, especially on the PvE side of things. I have friends who play non-stop, hit 300+ in the first couple weeks, so yeah, if I were to compare myself to them I would be behind

Kirby Superstar is egregiously under-ranked. It is quite possibly the greatest co-op game of the first few generations of consoles, save for possibly TMNT or Double Dragon. The different story-based game modes each have as much flavor and fun as Kirby Superstar AND you can play as Waddle Doo and Sir Kibbles. If you

It has been awhile since I’ve seen the original Blade Runner, can’t even remember which version, but I have been wanting to watch it again, ideally before this and definitely before 2049. When I went onto Amazon to watch it, I noticed there were three versions, Blade Runner, Blade Runner: The Final Cut, Blade Runner:

I don’t think that is a stretch of the imagination, either way, it is a poor art decision, especially when the joke is that it’s the same gun, it should’ve been drawn the same.

I don’t think that is a stretch of the imagination, either way, it is a poor art decision, especially when the joke is that it’s the same gun, it should’ve been drawn the same.