The Search For Intelligent Life Continues

Funny that all these men who have had their interest bought by corporations, oil, gas, coal, whatever are worried about protestors having their interest bought by Soros.

Wow, your comment was a post-doctoral level lesson in scathing, searing, acerbic sarcasm. Sublime. I genuflect before your altar.

I totally get you. It’s a sticky wicket, for sure. To be honest, as a pussy-hat wearing cisgender woman, her criticism stung a bit. I wanted to say to her, “any human that considers themselves a woman is a woman, and I certainly didn’t mean to exclude any woman born without a so-called pussy.” IDK, I may not have

I definitely see her point, which is to remove biological determinism from gender; that is, not only people born with ‘female bits’ are women. And vagina as symbol for women does originate in cisgender norms, which definitely is not inclusive. That point seems like one thread in the ‘pussy hat’ narrative, which was a

Wow. I teared up just reading it, can only imagine how powerful it was in person.

Thanks for your thoughtful & knowledgeable reply. The resources you brought to our awareness are great.

Definitely Magritte! Thank you. I’m going to go hide my face behind an apple or bird now so my embarrassment doesn’t show.

That ain’t no Helvetica. So, funny in a Marcel Duchamp way?

I feel you on the Calibri. I use it in map legends because it seems to reproduce well if exported to an image format. I also have much love for Gill Sans for some reason, although the numbers are crap.

I totally agree. In my kinda-jokey comment, I conflated sexual assault (“grab them by the pussy” a la Donald Trump) with aggressive/defensive assault/actions, which is how I interpreted the nut punch in the article. But it definitely would be great if we all could avoid any kind of unwanted physical touch.

“We’re always fighting a battle” your words couldn’t be more true to me. I feel like some of my strength is just innate humanity, but a lot of it has been forged in the crucible of this unending, daily battle. And good grief but does this little soldier get tired sometimes and want to lay down her arms. But, NO. Gotta

Your post is so spot on that I don’t even have the words.

Preach. Power and entitlement dictate the terms, rather than oh say fairness or kindness.

That was hilarious on so many levels. Thanks for the laughs! :)

Reading your post, I was really struck by a couple things: one, how even idioms for men’s junk (“family jewels”) emphasize patrilineage and preciousness. Eesh.

Thanks for pointing out the gender-inequity bullshit behind the oft-repeated truism: never hit a guy “there”. Like that area is somehow sacrosanct, but only if there’s a penis. If it’s a pussy, feel free to grab it (but only if you’re famous).

OMG PERFECT. Please make an etsy store that sells just these note cards. There are soooo many people/relatives/politicians I need to send them to.

Dwayne, there is so much goodness in your analogies (“balls”! “Peach enema”?!?!) I. Can’t. Even.

He’s got something about him that makes me thinks he knows a sex trick that would blast the polish right off my toenails, but he would only ever use it the 1st time. And then it would be boring old “aren’t you grateful to be fucking me cuz I’m a famous dude” sex. So, no.

Thank you for the link to that thoughtful article, it was an amazing deconstruction of the Time cover.