
After becoming a redditor, it's funny to see how many things hit Kotaku after reddit. And everywhere else for that matter.

I only lend out games to close friends. I put it in a blank case and expect it back when they're done.

That price isn't fair for a lot of games. Not all games are good, but to say something like Mass Effect or Skyrim or GTA:IV at $60 is 'unfair' is pretty ignorant and ridiculous, in my opinion.

The thing is, he won't even fix it. For whatever reason, the only mistakes they seem to fix are grammar related. A while ago they posted a trailer with a song by Puscifer and misquoted the singer. Admitted their mistake via email, and never corrected the article. Just watch.

Came here to post this. I started listening and was like "... Seriously?".

My problem with this is that if the controls are anything like Bioshock, the mechanics will become a source of frustration. Bioshock had 'OK' FPS controls. They always felt a little weird to me, and it wasn't a problem because the game was easy enough (first playthrough on Hard, no deaths).

A bit silly, considering the only problem you can really run into with OCing your CPU is from voltage. Most people that overclock are aware of voltage and temperatures, and don't burn out their CPUs.

True, except I still don't call it an exploit.

This isn't an exploit or a glitch.

Fake boobs, no thanks.

That's true, just seems like the kind of thing you'd see on that Crib show... whatever it's called.

I haven't heard any and unless one wins a Grammy, it'll stay that way.

How much extra do you make just for working at Google? I don't think many software engineers could swing that kind of set up, or house, from the looks of it.

The Charles Manson of Skyrim.

Not only did I post a comment tagged with #corrections, I even emailed Fahey himself personally to fix the credit of Humbling River, and it hasn't been done. Miscrediting artists is insulting to those artists, I'm really surprised that nobody has bothered to fix it. Son, I am disappoint.

Uh, you might want to check your facts.

This game looks completely terrible in every way, and should never have gotten as far as it did. It should not be attached to MGS in any way, and is a complete disgrace to the series. The world weeps at the existence of this title, and everyone would be better off if it was never released.

The VGAs make me ashamed to be a gamer.

Puscifer is fucking awesome, and more people need to know about them (him).