
Absolutely correct.

That's a bingo.


Now write them a snail mail letter and show-up at their local constituent office. If you can make the trip go and see them in person in D.C.

Yep, cause the Ruskies would have been totally cool with the U.S. shooting down their jets in an illegal blockade. They probably wouldn't have done anything to fight back at all and there was no way that situation couldn't have totally spun out of control just like the Austro-Hungarians were totally cool with having

You spelled Bernie wrong.

Yup, totally racism and misogyny. All those counties Obama won in 2008 and 2012 magically became racist, cause reasons.

The e-mail server is just another small part of Killary's arrogance, stupidity and corruption. If you honestly think that is what the American voter was against you really are deluding yourself.

Well we seem to have averted the World War III Killary wanted that would have destroyed the Earth in a nuclear holocaust.

You're ready to fight aren't you? You would have complacently sat by as Killary appointed another Wall Street lap dog like Lynch or Holder that would have chipped away at your civil right in small and secret ways.

Good for you Velocirapstar I knew you had some fight in you.

Write an actual snail mail letter and if you can show up in person at their local constituent office in your state.

This is also true. I knew you wold come around.

That of course could describe the Clintons who are just more subtle in their racism than Trump. They have blow the racist dog whistle many times over the course of their careers, liberals just refuse to acknowledge it.

Now you've done it. Half the AV Club has been triggered and will rage quit and ban you.

And that's the thinking that will cause the Democrats to lose the 2018 midterms.

Nonsense she is way more evil than Kerry.

Nice review Franko.

They have these things called DVRs you know.

Well you double your dating opt…………………