The Vacuum Cleaner Guy?
The Vacuum Cleaner Guy?
Actually that's called a Dyson Sphere.
Available Exclusively at Marshall's
I've paid for The Wall many times on LP, Cassette Tape and CD and now I hear Trump wants to release it in a new format. I'm getting sick of this shit..
"Hiding under your bed"?
You realize that Jessica Fletcher was the real murderer all along and framed all those poor people.
As long as there is an ethanol rider attached Chuck will be for a "Clean Energy" bill.
You Rang!
And a whole lot of sheep being sheep-dogged to the slaughterhouse.
Who knew that Seal Teams don't engage in combat.
That's because all the lattes are rotting your brain.
Isn't Clark a little young for Paulson?
Just like Judy Garland. Although Judy was just a Gumm not a Gummer.
You must not have checked very hard.
Dark Army isn't the Chinese government. They have their own agenda.
Given that Price referred to politicians as puppets I don't think Price was talking about Obama.
I like to listen to DVD commentaries. The ones by writers and directors are almost always interesting the ones exclusively with actors are almost always insipid.
She had her own show a few years ago. Going from star of the show to supporting player even in a quality show would be considered a step down by most.
Mr. Robot became Blue's Clues so gradually I hardly noticed.