Like I said in my post you are not going to get a "smoking gun". Unless the FBI does a serious RICO investigation against the Clinton Foundation and given Comey's ties to criminal bank HSBC I don't think that is going to happen
Like I said in my post you are not going to get a "smoking gun". Unless the FBI does a serious RICO investigation against the Clinton Foundation and given Comey's ties to criminal bank HSBC I don't think that is going to happen
Now you Clinton supporters are anti science?
No just plain old sheep.
Congratulations, your John Birch Society membership card is in the mail.
Read 'em and weep.
Yourself should not have been dressed like that.
I see you've raised your usual level of disjointed idiocy to a new level.
Dinner? In Russia? With Putin? By that metric clearly every U.S. Ambassador to Russian for the last 15 years is a Putin puppet.
You're allergic to facts, I get it.
Money buys favors. It is not an outrageous concept. We have a system of legalized bribery that the Clintons have turned into an art form.
Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi thinks that argument is bullshit.
Of course it has. Both Jill Stein and Trump have been accused by the corporate media with being everything to a dupe of Putin to an outright Manchurian Candidate.
You are correct but, say that Hillary's over enthusiastic support for toppling Qaddafi turned Libya into a failed state and the commentariate shits on you.
You can be a decent person and still have a fucking asshole kid, chemical imbalances and such. But Mateen Senior is an asshole and so was his son.
But still voting for Hillary? Please at least tell me you will be holding your nose while doing it.
Obama's got plenty of shitty legislation he's responsible for signing: NDAA, making the Bush Tax Cuts permanent and pushing for the TPP.
They can stop legislation from happening. They have this thing called the veto and this other thing called "The Bully Pulpit" so a President can veto a bill and then go out an make a lot of speeches and media appearances explaining why they are against it and urging voters to contact their representatives to vote…
I love how you're a sheep who believes everything corporate media feeds you.
Donna Bell apparently chose her name to try to fool dyslexic Belladonna Fans.