
I think it was her secret wish that something bad happen to Obama that she just could not keep inside.

What the fuck AV Club,

Mr. Robot is a projection of Elliot's memories of his father. Both abuser and protector.

Is he still a crackhead?

I always assumed it involved surgical gloves, a wet/dry vac and lots of plastic sheeting.

You sent this to me three times.

Jeff Bezos.

You may want to consider that about yourself.

Pot meet kettle.

Donald Trump is the best thing that ever happened to Hillary. Without him she would be way down in the polls right now.

It is called an apple box.

Good opinions are arrived at by a considered analysis of the facts. Only bad opinions are assumed. Hillary supporters live in a fact free zone. Pretty much just like Fox News watchers.

Funny your analysis did not seem to be the general consensus at the time. Olberman went of a very justified ten minute tirade about why it was wrong and it wasn't the first time Hillary had hinted at "something could happen like Bobby Kennedy".

Lying? Watch the videos again. Hillary actually says the "A word" trying to plant an idea in the minds of racist kooks back in 2008? Or maybe she was tired, let her person mask drop and was revealing her inner sociopath wishes.

If I've learned anything this election cycle it is that most people who consider themselves liberals really aren't.

Hillary does not have "a few questionable things" She has about 100 questionable things.

"Hillary, despite real faults, would never joke about her opponent being
murdered. It's a low bar to clear, yes, but it's a bar so low, she's
never even seen it."

If you ever hear the alleged timeline on how Palin was in Texas when her water broke? Instead of going to a local hospital, she gets on a plane, has to change planes and gets back to Wasilla 16 hours later because she wants her local Alaska OB-GYN to deliver the baby. Insanity.

Every see the documentary Out Foxed that is SOP at Fox News.

I always find people named after the president of the confederacy suspect.