So did Paul Robeson.
So did Paul Robeson.
Their Audience Is Dying OFF!
You should go easier on people who hack murder victims phones.
Don't lie you get all your info from the AV Club and you know it.
Killary is so yesterday, I've switched back to $hillery.
The guy that writes that blog is kook. He accuses every commenter of being a Russian shill.
No, you are really stretching there. The point was that meeting with a foreign leader who's policies you find despicable is not the same as endorsing them or your Palinesque "Pallin' Around" remark.
Show me where she says that she supports Putin. She went to conference in Moscow and met Putin I don't think that is quite the same thing as "Support". Putin is a murder and a gangster that runs a corrupt peto state. That seems antithetical to the values Stein has espoused.
I've read some Coates but, not everything he has written. West's primary criticism of Coates seems to be that Coates is unwilling to to criticize Obama who quite frankly could use more push back from the black intelligentsia.
OK replace Commie with "Ruskie Sympathizer" still a similar tactic to McCarthyism and Red Baiting. And let's be honest in the minds of most Americans the Russians are still "The Commies".
Buying computers from China not quite the same as blowing up foreign countries and toppling their leaders with no long term plan about what you are going to replace them with.
She's not Hillary or Trump and that's low bar but, good enough for me. She also has the support of people I respect like Chis Hedges, Cornel West and Dr. Boyce Watkins.
You got a link for that?
That was CGI you faker.
You have no idea how big the Epstein story really is. You laugh but this really is a cover-up.
"Pallin' Around" who are you Sarah Palin?
I see plenty of difference. Hillary is evil and competent and Trump is evil and incompetent. Do you want someone who's evil and good at it or someone evil and so stupid they can't get out of their own way.
Killary has a higher body count but, only because Saddam didn't have flying death robots.
Academics: publishing papers no one reads, teaching bored freshmen staring into their phones the same 101 level course for 40 years, whoring for grant money, kissing the department head's ass, covering up campus rape and living fear that your students might give you a bad evaluation, terrified that you wont get…
Stein's a commie, Trump is commie, Bernie's a commie and there's commie under your bed. Look Joe McCarthy is back in internet form.