The Shredder

Well gossiping is pretty much since forever. For online shopping they had to figure out how to use the computer first, so around 2013.

If you ever wondered what Oceans would be like without the insufferable George Clooney and in Charlotte instead of Vegas, you should check it out.

It is statistically almost guaranteed to be embellished. Like at least 99.9% chance. The chance that it’s completely fabricated is also pretty low.

A common complaint from men is that women spend all their time at work gossiping and shopping online. Happens all the time.

I’m not saying that this didn’t happen or that it isn’t representative of a real problem, but when you use a single, unverified account of events as your supposed evidence of widespread misdeeds, you sound like a buffoon. Note that this doesn’t mean every woman (or man, if you’re a man) is a buffoon.

“This of course perpetuates the idea that women can’t simply earn their way into competition the same way men can (when that is obviously not the case), and that women who are shut out have failed.”

Alternatively they are not doing anything of the sort. They just fall short of the Gawker standard of propaganda.

But it was so bad ass when Obama wore the same damn thing!

“Hi, I work for a publication that specializes in hit pieces and has little regard for the truth or nuance, could you answer some questions?”