Thanks -
Thanks -
What do you call the things dogs walk on? Not arms and legs surely? They’re little feetsies.
Fake it until you got it-I’m a brash American though so take that with a grain of salt. ;)
I have no real advice except how do you feel about you? Confidence is a hell of a thing on any person. Also, try not to be afraid of putting yourself out there- you may get a no, which sucks but not the end of the world, but then again you might get a yes.
When you purchase hundreds of dollars worth of things from a store online and they don’t offer free shipping. So much ugh.
If she were a good friend, this is what I would do: Tell her that her boyfriend is abusive and that this is typical cycle of abuse. Tell her that I can’t hang out with the two of them together because I can’t enable his behavior. Tell her that if she ever, EVER feels unsafe, or alone, or can’t escape, she can call me…
21 weeks pregnant and the anatomy scan was very good. All the right parts where they should be.