The Shelby Guy

Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.

Hmm? What are you seeing?

This is a really smart environment design. Rather than literally give us fragmented, tiny spaces dedicated to every iconic planet from the movies, they’re creating one immersive environment that blends everything that makes the series’ best locations interesting. You’ve got the rugged frontier wildness of Endor or

As long as I can fulfill my dream of having a Wookiee sell me a $20 churro in the hot Floridian sunshine I’ll be happy.

It’s actually been some time since we’ve had a good Mustang/C&C crash video to watch.

Pshhh. Amateur. It took HOURS of washing the next day.

That’s why Berryman asserts in the filing, which you can view below, that he could face similar “or worse” economic hardships or physical reprisal, if he has to turn over his communications.

They ARE self serving pieces of shit. They used their campaign contributions as bribes to cajole to the highest bidders - in this case the Ford, GM, and Chrysler. They have shown what they are, and deserve all of the hate mail that they’re getting. Every one of them should be escorted OUT of their offices in

Yup, sounds like a piece of shit.

and if 2 people go up one after the other, what happens then?

Sod the Hyperloop, get a few jet engines, build a cockpit and body around them, build a freaky looking track to levitate them on and start a race series around it. As its more advanced than Formula One it should obviously be called Formula Zero. Or F Zero for short.

No sympathy for this guy, but it’s interesting that his remarks as quoted above show at least a hint of self-awareness. Let’s hope he resolves to be a better person, though I won’t exactly be holding my breath on that one.

You could have shortened this up quite a bit.

Farmers in Iowa have some they restore on occasion and only use to drive in parades or tractor rides around the countrysides, so I’ve seen several that are pristine like this.

Not sure where that pic was taken. However, in the dinky ass Iowa town of 800 folks that I grew up in I’d say about a third of the old timers in the area had a tractor like that in a machine shed somewhere.

Guys, this is a tractor:

I have no problem with Zuck’s travels. If I was a multi-billionaire I’d do the same thing. Think about it. You’d probably too get tired of jet setting in the lavish lifestyle and would occasionally want to go pretend to be a pleb. Think of the stories you’d be able to tell to all the other rich old white men at

That tractor looks pristine. Was it taken from a collector? I have never seen an old tractor look that clean and untouched.