For anyone wondering how this compares to a Fire TV and Android TV.
For anyone wondering how this compares to a Fire TV and Android TV.
For anyone wondering how this compares to a Fire TV and Android TV.
For anyone wondering how this compares to a Fire TV and Android TV.
Yes, I would occasionally drive it to the grocery store for LULZ. I drove it to restaurants for lunch, and there'd be a crowd when I came back. I drove it to Best Buy, and there was a crowd. I drove it to work, and a co-worker told me that when he parked near me, there was a crowd. And, at the gas station there…
Chris' reviews are just top notch. They cover almost everything.
As a GT-R owner you had me rolling. We often tell people "make sure you pay enough" if you don't want to pay a lot later. They're really not too expensive to own for the level of car you get if you find one that's been well taken care of and most have been. Regular dealer visits will usually get you ahead of…
How dumb do you have to be to rev an engine so much that the car catches fire? Schools need to do a better job of teaching critical thinking skills instead of googling skills.......people like this amaze me
I usually don't comment on many of the technical issues discussed here in Jalopnik because I'm not very well versed on auto mechanics. However, since I was actually an engineer who worked with hydrogen for the Space Shuttle program (retired now) I cringe a bit at the idea of your local service station getting plumbed…
with apologies if this turns out to be a duplication of posting...
This video shows you how to hang a car from a container ceiling : Skip to 30 seconds
That's entirely untrue. It's a bit of a struggle and a process to figure out what you actually need to do and what's actually involved, but it's not unduly expensive or difficult to execute once you have the knowledge you need, which can be found if you search hard enough.
The BBC bleeps both the audio and visuals of profanity.
Did that guy actually bring a jib to a car show to hold a DSLR? Seems...excessive. But then again, so are car shows (but in a good way).
A lot of rose colored glasses going on here. Celica's stop selling because the competition at that price level had gotten much better ( RSX, Bug Eye WRX, etc.) and those who could not afford to buy new were still living in the tuner's heyday of used Hondas.
This is a prime example of the dangers of brakes on cars.
'We don't want an arm and a leg, we just want a tow!'
I think you nailed it.. The targets that Jordan is dropping on are either VERY low priority, or not really targets at all. My guess is that we wiped out anything of importance (that was stationary) in the first few days. What Jordan is doing now is more for show then anything. If they really want to be effective…
A while back I wrote a post about LeBron James endorsing the not terribly popluar Kia K900 luxry car. While I give L…