These Words

I just watched the press conference on CNN of one of the accusers. As much as I'm fully prepared to believe he's an asshole, all I got from it is that he asked her to go to his suite one time and she knew better so she said no, and she sees herself as the voice for all women. And that he should just use Tinder. She

He's literally on the job when he's watching the show. I figure he dicks around on solitaire half the time like we do at our desk jobs.

They've always done such an amazing job with the zombies. Like the sea zombies from last week. It's one thing the show has consistently done well.

I can explain that. He just aims a few feet to the left of where his vision tells him the target is.

Give her a break, she's like two weeks pregnant.

I don't think they were trying to hide it on this one.

She'll be working for Trump next.

It looked like she was laughing, right? It was all just bizarre.

I love Aubry too. The look on her face when JT got the boot and then Sandra said that she took the sugar was like "holy fuck. What the fuck am I up against here"

I can see people interpreting that paragraph about the apron in a kind of creepy way, but I just have the feeling everyone here is patting themselves on the back with one hand while typing snark (some of it funny) with the other.

This episode feels like it is about ten hours long. The music in the background is good but enough is enough after awhile. This is one of those episodes that tries to be arty and brilliant and something entirely different from what made the show a success in the first place.

Michaela is a great physical player but absolutely awful at strategy. still very likable and a great "character". I think the fans overrate her as a player though. Her strategic and social blunders are spectacular.

A woman got voted out first again! What are the odds of that happening!

True, but if you wait too long to start forming or joining an alliance, you could be fucked. It's very tricky.

We decided she is the finest actress of our generation, to acknowledge her good looks is trivializing! And that movie was such a waste of her talent. They even showed her legs in it, it was so outrageous! Males were gazing!

I'll tell you what, it's been a long six months or so since they told me to stop doing it…

Can we go back to jizzing on her yet?

We've got a President tweeting about being wiretapped and a new travel ban issued less than an hour ago, but by all means we should be outraged by a magazine cover with five guys on it - and only one of them black!

This kind of crap is why we lost the election. Oh god, they dared to put five men on the cover and four of them are white! Jesus Christ! Where's my pitchfork!

The Trump shitshow has really been a boon for the guy. And I love how he's taking full advantage of it. No more sad self-portraits. I bet Laura's even getting laid again.