That’s a pretty stark correlation.
That’s a pretty stark correlation.
When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.
For a song about butts I thought I see some butts. If you know what I mean? It’s 2017 and women are out there doing squats like all the time.
how many people do this with kids? As a choice, I mean.
Ain’t that America. A white woman falsely accuses a black man of rape and ruins his reputation yet SHE’S the one allowed to continue her life and career free of consequences.
Well, since Black Twitter already dragged her I have another question. Why the hell is Miss South Africa white?
Clearly his technique of standing flatfooted, in one place while telegraphing huge, looping hooks is going to do well against one of the most technical, defensive fighters in history.
Gonna be honest here he’s in pretty good shape
Gross. Gross. Gross. But I’m really stuck at how this can’t be a health and safety violation. Does anyone have a theory? Even with the 80 proof mandate. Also, I’m an alcoholic in recovery and have been known to drink a lot. A lot a lot. But how drunk do you have to be to drink this thing?
The second I read “I am a victim” I got suspicious. I wanted to take her claim seriously but given the circumstances and reason the show even exists, the outlook wasn’t too hot. Now with footage and eyewitnesses, hopefully there won’t be too much irreparable damage to the guy’s world .
Hey, at least they had FEMA tents at FF!
Do organizations that have committed literal acts of terror on American citizens have a constitutional right to assemble? I’m going to say no.
Eh, I’m not mad at the Kardashians for being upset at Caitlyn here. Long before Caitlyn and Kris broke up, there were numerous things on for years about how Caitlyn (then Bruce) basically spent herself into near bankruptcy on stupid stuff. Even Caitlyn talked about this openly—- specifically how Kris basically saved…
*puts down grilled cheese*
You’re fat
Some guys throw out little insults as ways of flirting. Is it condescending? Yup. Is it sexist? Sure is. Childish? Of course.
I’m all for unions, but is this really an occupation? Or even a sport?
I’m gonna be honest... it’s really hard to feel bad that the guys playing video games for a living don’t get a summer vacation.