
I don’t buy .0s and gameboy kingdom hearts. I bought 1 & 2. Maybe I will buy 3, but it takes so damn long I’ve lost interest.

hypnosis isn’t real

also a Georgia resident and I can’t agree more

fuck Tom Price

hmmm interesting had no idea. Makes sense tho


wow there is so much win here. First blogger I’m officially following now.

so basically nintendo switch is for sheltered kids

this dude will get destroyed in the NBA

seriously? This isn what turns woman on now?

translation: “we still hate Japan from World War II. Fuck everything Japanese.”

wtf are all these gold tokens? this isn’t monopoly

“verklempt”??? da fuck?

this deserves more likes

this fucking nepotism is unreal


good shots but outlandish seems like a stretch

wtf is Yuri on Ice?

I call bullshit on this.