fuck outta here with this. I like ASMR from ear sounds to spoken words to scratching to rubbing hell I’ll give people even reading. But lets not call a “Let’s Play” ASMR otherwise it just becomes a new word for tv/screen watching.
fuck outta here with this. I like ASMR from ear sounds to spoken words to scratching to rubbing hell I’ll give people even reading. But lets not call a “Let’s Play” ASMR otherwise it just becomes a new word for tv/screen watching.
Harbaugh makes a good point. Try to spin this if you want from your ivory tower, but it is a legitimate point the should be at least discussed
after reading these comments you all clearly don’t watch football
its on ESPN http://www.espn.com He goes down at 58 seconds a second ticks away to 57 he gets up starts his run than gets leveled.
meaning it was a football hit like every other football hit. He went to lay him out.
dang I didn’t know that. I’m a pure NFL guy
he does have the ball
fuck Big Ben. I’m so tired of these fucking overly sensitive assholes who feel the need to get offended by shit that in no way effects them.
The Smithsonian National Zoo has brought in Sparky, the Sumatran tiger you see above, for the sole purpose of sexing up “proven breeder” Damai (also a tiger).
wow talk about misleading. CBS overpaid for Katie. She wasn’t performing well and her ratings weren’t nearly as good as people expected.
the Bastion short is fucking stupid. He is a glorified toaster. Not even worthy of being called A.I.
okay this makes Johnny look bad
fuck this guy. If he’s sorry from out of the race and never return to the public spotlight again
I like how the Olympics are going on right now in Rio and Lucio the one character from Brazil can’t get a video.
Ash is a fucking bum
no video? LAME!
so this is basically Left for Dead........ok
footballs back
so what is this like less fun lacrosse?