wow fuck this guy hope he goes to jail
wow fuck this guy hope he goes to jail
wasn’t she a runway model?
Spider-Man’s been shitty since OMD
wtf can you get that close to a Tiger?
they should try this case in Oklahoma
UPDATE: It’s looking like the “murderers” are Eric and Donald Jr., and that Cher’s “friends” are wild animals.
shows beens hit since season 2 people deal with it
thank you for saving me the trouble of posting this
does the babe on the right come with it?
does the babe on the right come with it?
technically what he’s saying isn’t inaccurate, but.....................
classy title Jezebel
Lebron wasn’t number 1 in 06......this list needs work
lulz. Picking a top starting 5 team is different than the 5 best/most influential players to a franchise.
Miami is 17? Pittsburgh is 18?!?!
(or, from another angle, completely right)
am i watching the right video? I see the fat lady int eh red shirt attacking the lady in the blue shirt.
that body slam was a little too violent
Giving your statement I find it highly unlikely you gave him any money. And if in the incredibly unlikely instance you actually did you are a fool, since his whole point is to get money and it’s influences out of politics.