
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA fuck yes! Give him 6 games

it literally wouldn’t effect ratings

whah she must be a beast. I mean that in a completely positive way

it use to freak me out when I moved down to Georgia every 5 to 7 tinder users who’d have gun range pics on their profiles. Now sadly enough I’ve gotten use to it.

I’m kind of impressed/shocked by Khloe’s transformation. Remember who she use to look like 7+ years ago.

I want some of that sweet tongue action

the fuck kind of answer is that?!

why is she naked

this sounds like an insult to video gaming culture

can someone explain what Planned Parenthood is to me? Because I seem to be thinking of something completely different looking at all this outrage from Ole M. Huck

so what’s the problem here?

there he is again

wait is that a Black Spartan?

Only have sex on Mondays.

the fuck did I just read

wait the US lost to Canada at Baseball......meh. Beat us at football of basketball and will talk

yeah she copied it

soccer fans are the worst

it should be

let him live