bare minimum? holy shit what do they make annually? Do they pay taxes?
bare minimum? holy shit what do they make annually? Do they pay taxes?
craigslist still has hookers
wo said this?
oh I’ve got another question. Is it customary to tip like ordering a pizza or do you just pay the agreed upon price?
wow those acronyms are pretty informative. I’m always down for DFK. No to DATY, I’m sorry but unless we ar in love or I’ve known you for a while its not going to happen. I won’t force anyone to go down on me either so its not a one way street.
until this gets legalized and workers start carrying around STD information cards, I’m always going to be paranoid about this
nice ass tho
so the kids a shit. Think I will pass
BAtman;s killed before your going o tell methane he fucking electrocutes multiple dudes in water with high voltage no one dies or even has a heart attack.
I slightly regret buying this game. Normally I wouldn’t have but I recently moved to a new state for work and its been slow rebuilding my social network. So Destiny seemed more peaceful than playing DOTA 2 in my down time.
meh what is this like Spider-Mnn 9
games not that good anyway. I mean fighting alongside Nightwing is cool, even better playing as Nightwing but this series has been going downhill since Arkham City. Certainly not worth a fucking pre-order
I still don’t fucking understand what Gammergate is
as you said... you are no pilot
yeah this is my reaction
this is just paceman played correctly
another good segment from J-Ole, but the only let down is I didn’t really learn anything this time around. Sadly I was well aware of all this shit. Outside of this upcoming Bill, I was aware everything else. Normally J-Ole gives me some tidbit I had no idea about