five people serving in the Canadian military are assaulted every day,
five people serving in the Canadian military are assaulted every day,
well alright man or woman...lets just go with person. well alright person, but I think your jumping to conclusions
wtf where is all this Milkyway stuff coming from. That was never defined nor clarified
fuck no!!!
he’s dead let it go
I love how it took people 5 seasons to figure this shit out.
comeback? she sings country?!
you’ve never watched him play have you
wow this story is getting a lot of press
spying on his phone habits from the seat being him for 30 minutes its super sketchy I’m not going to lie.
wait Marion is on the Cavs?
well good that ppl are taking them to task over this.
can someone get this woman some help plz
reading is fundamental
Wonder Woman needs to lose that crown helmet shit its ugly, but at least her costume is salvageable unlike batman’s.
i assume most would say no, but why make a poll with no yes option? just for fucks?
if by “decided to relinquish his office” you mean fired than sure
I’m expecting a lot of anal stories