sounds like they got off easy
sounds like they got off easy
didn’t realize you were such a Pats fan
funny how they waited well after the draft for the punishment.
stay gangsta
When Golden State loses. Just let it be known deadpan jinxed the fuck out of them. All season you fools been going on about how they would win the finals. Never seen a professional team jinxed so hard outside of that Eagles team from a few years back
yeah they should totally fuck
I didn’t like Paul Pierce on the Celtics but for some reason I like him on the Wizards
he’s a pro wrestling fan? Good riddance.
defamation is far from impossible to prove. Not sure JAmeis will win this but he’s got enough to present a case
the big orgy scene is still a go though right? RIGHT?!
It’s the same Jack Black and no one ever wanted him
this should surprise no one. Ever since Simmons suspension he was a dead man walking. You tow the company line
no one should be surprised writing has been on the wall since he thought it was call to defy orders on the NFL. ESPN is about the content more than the personalities. You have to be willing to tow the company line when it asked of you
glad to see Ja Rule is still alive. Haven’t seen him since that crappy Steven Segall movie
shocker #sarcasm
je looks super uncomfortable
damn cheaters
I don’t often agree with Woody Paige but hell why not