uh oh, we got a ‘real’ gamer on our hands
uh oh, we got a ‘real’ gamer on our hands
Thank you for your gatekeeping service in reminding us what a “real” rhythm game is, and isn’t.
Capital-A Atheists are the worst.
I’m only unhappy with the situation because I watched the trailer expecting this to be THE. WORST. FUCKING. TRAILER. EVRRRRRRRRR!!! based on the coverage and comments here on Kotaku.
Man i hate it when businesses start up and care about making profits... I’m going to let you in on a secret, no company cares about its fans (except CD Projekt Red). They use their “fan appreciation” as a PR move to SELL YOU SOMETHING. RDJ visiting a sick kid in the hospital is a commercial for you to see his next…
Alternately: Another week, another dismissive comment about complaints on Life in Aggro’s panels.
even doing that cel-shaded 3D that’s becoming popular these days.
Jason, I’ve been a developer on more than one of these types of monolithic ambitious-but-aimless projects that eventually lurches over the finish line (late). You’ve gone through months (or years) of very real suffering to get it to that point, and when it arrives, you’re embarrassed at what’s been put out. It’s…
“I am worried about paying $60 for a game that can be beat in 8-10 hours”
Lol never in my life have I seen someone say rumble was a deal breaker.
PS4 + 2nd Controller + headset+ Modern Games = +$700
GUI interface
I feel like there’s a difference between continuing to exist and being a thing.
I don’t know about all that, but I do know that anyone who uses “purity ponies” with a straight face is far, far dumber than the people they’re trying to mock.
Same demo that was covered here on Kotaku 3 years ago,
Are you fucking serious with this entitled bullshit? Sakurai has had to go to the hospital multiple times and continued to work while in his hospital room and here you are complaining that he isn’t working hard enough because Smash takes more than a year to release.
Because people in unaccessible areas do not deserve to have fun. You’re right!
Right? God forbid any of the poors sully the gaming experience. I’m shocked that they think they even deserve to play video games, so rude.
or some really pedestrian favorite movies.