“Let them eat cake." They deserve the fate she got.
“Let them eat cake." They deserve the fate she got.
Just shows what a bitch she was by having a gay slur at the ready: "fruit."
No charges were filed!
Kick him so hard, Avenatti, that his balls concave.
Taylor Swift is a business corp. Not a person. Shes a filthy rich disingenuous con artist and it pains me yo see how many women look on her as if she were their friend. How cringey sad. Someone who is as sly in her machinations and disingenuous as she is, all due to greed, is loathsome.
Furthermore, she is again playing to her mostly female fan base. The fact that women are legit angry as hell now is the only thing that moved her, and still she waited. FUCK HER. She is not on ypur #team you pathetic fans. The inly team shes on is her and her parents, who made and run her.
I hope its that they are despicible and nit worth a thought.
Falling on deaf ears. Read about Hugo Benedict Schwyzer and how this community fell for that misogynist bowl of shit pudding that he is. They have no sense and no moral high ground on any #metoo matters here.
Hugo Schwyer also made a public deal about how evil commenters made him almost end it. Its manipulative. She doesnt need twitter and online anything to turn to; she has a shrink.
R&M fans are the worst. If ypure a fan of Harmontown youre also a douche.
Comic bros? White usually guy nerds?
ALL men. Not just white.
Some rich person should give the wife and kids amnesty and then shoot this fucker dead for trespassing when he shows up. Texas, time to make up for some if your asshole behavior.
probably more than one; not kidding.
Oh he will kill them next time. All this taught him to do is hide the body. He was headed there anyway.
Blue eyeshadow.
We all were.
Alligators are too good for Florida.
Youre too old to be Chris Evans, but you’ll do.