
People know there is free porn on the internet, right?

Thats not my fetish.

She probably meant she drove a Ford Escort for years.

In fairness, my body is filled with farts and I’m a good person.

The reason the problem is so epidemic is because it gets into the larger issue of: People with power tend to abuse people without power. Its a global problem.

It was fine for what it was. She had to speak and she did. I’m puzzling over the reason she felt she had to wear a traditional male costume to deliver it? Any thoughts on this?

The police are the biggest criminal gang around.

But who doesnt love a twee manic pixie dream girl youtube celebrity!1!!!!11

Your semantic argument is absurd and pointless.

You: Except that if the studio submitted it as a documentary, it wouldn’t have even gotten a nomination since it’s patently not a documentary by any reasonable definition — it doesn’t concern real events or real people.

predictive “extreme vetting” software.

You are trying sooo hard.

What you “believe” is irrelevant to reality.

You clearly dont know what your talking about.

Indeed, but how long before the NRA comes out against this? NRA wants all the customers it can get.

Read the article.

Still doesn’t make Get Out a comedy.

I think there’s absolutely enough comedy in there to theoretically justify the decision.