
Let's all calm down a little. Law is the law, the court can't make up their own laws, they have to follow what is written. The guy's lawyers found a loophole and it worked. Blame your local government for these laws. And in reality, you cannot expect privacy in a public place. This is why it's a PUBLIC place. When you

Cory Lidle:
Optimal path: 520 miles
Actual path: 4.6 miles

N-I- and then they told Riley to shut the fuck up

Anybody else feel up for some Kerbal Space Program?

I can't wait to see him bat.

The buses in Sochi get 300 hectares to a kilo of corn oil, assuming you shift into H.

How do they make the blood look so real, that's what I want to know.

Tim Tebow: "... and that's why I think Missouri won't live up to its preseason expectations. Now, let's throw it to Dan Patrick, back in the ESPN studio."

My hometown of Richmond Virginia in 1966

Aww come on! Including Zim on this list is like kicking a guy after he's already been pushed down a very long flight of stairs.

Thank you for telling your story, Julie.

Shall we begin (our enjoyable hotel stay)?