
His estimation of 10,000 people watching a Sox game is probably about right at this point in the season.

Good to see The League's influence here, 3 team names are directly from it and one more arguably is (Ruxin says Balls Deep about 10x per season.)

Thank you for this comment, my first reaction at the very end of the video was "goddamn, that's gotta be the tallest building in Alaska in the background".

As a born and raised South Shaw kid (Norwell) I never expected to see Marshfield mentioned on Deadspin. Haddad's is fantastic.

"You're not going in my mouth."

Wait, why SHOULD anything be done? He didn't say anything directly to Tanaka and we only heard this because ESPN has a mic behind every blade of grass. Retaliation for this is insane.

"the R-word"

Seriously my first thought. I'd have to light enough citronella candles to burn down the forest.

As a practical question, I wonder how people are supposed to get from car to car, especially if you are in one of the sleeping cars which is separated from the common area cars by another sleeping car.

I agree with this statement 5700%

Last night I was driving near Boston at just after 10PM and noticed a ton more air traffic than usual south of the city, and on very odd flight paths. I guess they must have been routing flights around to the South as a result of the crash.

It's a pizza!

A trailer park during a tornado is no place for kitties.

Good thing Jared Lorenzen isn't in the NFL anymore. They wouldn't have been able to plot his neutron star-esque density on this chart.

Didn't initially realize that TE's were grouped in with receivers, couldn't believe there were so many over 6'6".

Exactly. This should be a non-story. It's actually astounding to think that Oiselle was dumb enough to think they could do this.

I imagine there must be some pretty gnarly injuries at times.

I don't know if it's that slight sneer or what, but whenever I see that picture of Manny I think he looks like Denzel gone completely over the top throwing himself into some crazy role.

In all seriousness, she would probably be incredible at Brazilian jiu-jitsu.