
However, I’d be alright with hearing from Ujiri; he has done a fine job of learning from from disappointments.

Iwas going to say that Sutter brothers have won like, 86% of those titles.

Washington doesn't deserve him. Let them suffer a few more years.

Agree. They may still have lost to Lebron but it likely would not have been being beaten like a rented mule.

I agree. Nobody needs to hear what Larry Tennenbaum thinks. Nor do they think he should be awarded anything before the players. 

That would explain why GS limped home on an infirmary plane. I always resisted jumping on with the Raptors because they seemed to lack toughness but that no longer seems the case. 

Your logic for Kawhi sticking around is sound but sports so, "So long and thanks for that buzzer beater and the ring, Kawhi".

I prefer to call our women's international sides the "Lumberjackies".

Dear Mr. Burneko,

Apparently not the Warriors, despite having three other all-stars and potential hall of famers. 

Sorry you didn’t build any depth into the team. Toronto will hold an off-day pity party for you.

I would find the Raptors winning quite interesting. A team potentially winning their first chammpionship is a compelling story to residents of Toronto. Sorry the team with all the expensive ringers got hurt but maybe all the dick kicking coming back around. Didn’t the dick kicker put kawhi out of the playoffs when he

He knows. He just be playin' at iggernit sumbitch. 

Wayta stoke his fire! 

Guessing that potential ToC contestants are schooling themselves now on how to beat this freak. His strategy was simple and brilliant; I like how he Captain Kirked the game.

Because he was trying to draw a foul the cheating weasel fuck.

Absolutely correct. And Draymond's reply was perfect.

Marvelous play by this guy. I keep hearing that he is playing out of his mind and is due to come back to earth. Should he falter, I plan on being there with a cushion and a cold drink. Hope the rest of the fans agree.

Not expecting to be doing a lot of crying about those players' replacements in the next few years. 

Put me into both categories. It was obvious that Bozie could be an excellent 2 or 3.