
My daughter practices gymnastics 20 hours a week. The strength she has and the injuries she and her teammates suffer through make football players look like cowards with all their protective gear. Mad respect!

I hope Cambage opts out of her contract and Jefferson flourishes in Dallas. I’m not still bitter the Stars left San Antonio...

Mexico City is the perfect market for this. In the 90s, I was stuck at a single traffic light, the 1st one where a major highway ends, just a little over one hour.

My wife and I could relate to the show. I am the Wolowitz in my wife’s circles. I just have a masters in engineering, as opposed her and her friends’ doctorate degrees.

Super Sonics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full disclosure, Celtics fan here; I wanted Zion in Dallas with Doncic and the Unicorn....this blows, but not as much as Zion to the Knicks would have blown.

I am in love!  

GRRM will never finish the series in the books. At the rate he is going he will be around 82 when a Dream of Spring releases, that’s assuming The Winds of Winter releases right now. If GRRM will still be writing when he is 90 then maybe there’s a shot.

Celtic Nation agrees with your assessment!

Maggie the Frog lied!!!!!

Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has already stated he wants to use the funds that would go for renewing the Mexican GP for a fast rail system in the Mayan Riviera area.  Mexican GP is as good as dead.


How many of these are they going to produce?

The goalie messed that one up big time. He was still rallying his defenders when the ball was halfway to the small area. He did not know where he was standing in respect to the goal. He dove left when the biggest gap was on his right. Brilliant move by Liverpool!

It’s so fun to watch the Lakers suffer.

Liverpool fan here, F this!

My money is on Jamie to kill Cersei.  Jamie can’t be with Brienne until he atones for all the wrongs he has done.

This guy needs a PR agent STAT!  He can’t say he drank 3 litters of Coke playing in the Pepsi center!  Endorsement money is being wasted!

As much as I loved Arya being Westeroos savior, I was expecting Theon to stab the Night King in the foot with dragon glass.  Would have been a cool sacrifice play to further redeem Theon.

Stay calm and in Pop we trust.
Pop is the greatest basketball coach of all time. Extra bonus points because it appears he is setting up Becky Hammon to be the next Spurs coach, if another team doesn’t give her the job first.