After seeing these, I really want to seem them do Morbo.
He will utterly crush these other pathetic costumes!
After seeing these, I really want to seem them do Morbo.
He will utterly crush these other pathetic costumes!
I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.
"You need to send this to Rediculousness" said in a dead-serious New England accent is by far the best highlight.
If you put a roll cage on an airport tug, think they'd let it race?
Hey, I've driven that same model tug in blue! Ours was even Chrysler powered; it used a late 40's Chrysler industrial flathead motor.
There were a ton of channels that we didn't have room for. If you were me, I would not miss these:
I saw this the other day.
Dude needs a swift kick in his Ayn Rand fanfic writing dick.
Second Cop, Officer McShouty, needs a hug and to switch to decaf.
In my arms is my Team Farfrumwinnin windbreaker at least!
It isn't awesome unless you can race it in the 24Hrs of LeMons.
As I understand this, the BUK system is basically modular. The core unit is an integrated tracking radar and launcher. You can add to this a radar-less tender that can also serve as a launcher when networked with a tracking radar unit. Finally, there's an optional additional command unit— this has a a general search…
Worked pretty good in tanks.
The motor was hard mounted. Marc said the vibration shook most of his fillings out...
Taking the trucks to a dirt track rather than a pavement track is more of a change in set-up "theory" rather than a wholesale change in the parts and pieces. So, without giving away company secrets and getting a summons to the "big office" later today, here's what I can say..
I'm very well aware of its capabilities. By ID, I mean other forms. Regardless, an experienced operator would see that track, its speed, altitude and heading, and probably deduce it's an airliner. They operate inside cordons, in distinct flight envelopes. An experienced operator would have had at least second…
The particular missile system has no ability to determine the difference between a military and civilian aircraft. It was designed to provide air cover for a Russian advanced across Europe, and has no ability to connect to a national defense network. It cant tell what the transponder of the aircraft is saying. Its…
Absolutely, I brought this up elsewhere and it gained zero traction. It is extremely important. Its probable that they couldn't ID the aircraft, but its altitude and speed should have screamed "CIVILIAN AIRLINER" to an experienced operator.
That saucy minx with the camera is Murilee Martin, aka Judge Phil. That Reno Fernley event was my first LeMons race. I was interviewed for Good Morning America's segment. I was the guy in the gorilla suit racing the Peugeot. Good times. Racing a Hudson this weekend at the Pacific Northworst LeMons event.
Smith: Commencing baseball-playing robot: field test one.