Because America is bad and the legality of slavery is written right into its Constitution?
Because America is bad and the legality of slavery is written right into its Constitution?
Not to be That Guy, but what happens when the House moves to impeach then the Senate throws it out in about ten seconds? What then?
That’s a common tactic, making assumptions based on no information. I do, in fact, know what a liberal studies degree is. But who cares? The major point is, you went to college 15 years ago.I graduated 3 years ago, I don’t know if you’ve followed the state of universities today, but, well, It’s different now sir.
Yet you offer nothing in return, tell me, how does the so-called “context” make what she says any less racist?
Legal scholar on NPR - I think yesterday? Maybe the day before, it’s all one long nightmare - If the House brings impeachment and gets it and the Senate then throws it out, it would effectively exonerate him and protect him from prosecution when he doesn’t win a second term.
Average NYT’s reader: “it’s all part of Pelosi’s long game when the SDNY and New York State drop the bomb in summer 2020!”
His only regret is that he didn't make the video himself.
It’s also realistic because his eyes aren’t open.
I just want to say that the cartoon rendering of Mike Francesa must be an idealized version of him, because it has no mouth.
Like much of what comes out of the indoctrination facilities known as “Universities” in America, that concept is bullshit. No one with any real world intellect is fooled by your attempts at misdirecting the topic. That topic is the fact that Ilhan Omar is a full-on racist and hates white people.
I’m always looking for a laugh, so if you want to get it off your chest, give me a heads up.
“The govenment never told me I couldn’t sew a woman onto a man’s body, so how am I at fault?”
well its better than the main doctor on staff, a Dr. Acula
“Cooler of Penises” is the name of my all-male jazz/funk band
“BRC owner Stephen Gore...”
I don’t see why the sale of fetuses is not legal, I keep getting told that they were never alive, just a clump of cells.
Don’t forget to leave head first.
“I’ll see myself out” straight to liveleak.
Why weren’t we given a heads-up about this in 2013?