
Not necessarily true. United is a common carrier and under FAA rules they can prevent you from boarding due to overbooking.

Who says they have the right to forcibly remove a paying customer from a flight to accommodate their employees travel? I’m not sure what right you’re referring to...

You’re correct that you’d have zero legal protections if you acted to defend the victim. However, you are incorrect that there is trespass going on here. United acted outside the scope of their Contract of Carriage by removing the customer (Eight separate clauses, and refusal to volunteer is not one of them:

It’s their plane. They’re allowed to kick anyone off a flight for whatever reason. Yes, they have to refund you, yes it is a shitty thing to do but that is how business works.

This video should be shown to libertarians, followed by “this is what happens when corporations are no longer ‘tied down’ by government.”

Luckily, the row behind the Sixers’ bench is already set up to acccomodate seven footers in street clothes.

And that’s why “moderates” are absolutely as culpable for the current state of affairs as the left and the right. They’re so desperate to maintain their illusion that “both sides are the same” that they see the right’s fears that Obama would do things that they completely made up themselves and the left’s fears that

There are three other factors that need to be considered. First gerrymandering inherently makes it so that more extreme/partisan candidates get elected. The Republicans are better at it, and have more heavily gerrymandered seats, so they’re the ones who get pushed further out of control. Which feeds back into the

You’re right about supply being “the” issue (though it gets more complex pretty quickly), but I think it’s too easy to say “blame the cities,” because it’s not like a mayor or city council could wave a magic wand and change policies enough to solve the problem, since a lot of the laws that cause restrictions in supply

The blame lies solely with the cities themselves, who refuse to allow more housing because it will “ruin the character of the city” or some horseshit. 

Great article. I refuse to watch it, just like I avoid most of the other violent spectacles against black bodies but this is a conversation black America needs to have with itself. We can’t demand everyone else’s respect when we don’t treasure and respect our girls with the same ferocity as white folks (well maybe

If you don’t know the specifics and aren’t willing to even read the post STOP commenting then.

I simply gave you a definition of ‘assault’— not a qualification of it. Take a chill pill.

Assault is the crime of making an attack, regardless if the attack was successful or not. Holding a knife to a throat or shooting a bullet that misses by half a foot is still a criminal act even though no injuries resulted.

I love Deadspin.

I thought Al Kaline water was mostly bourbon.

Oladipo, Adams and Kanter are all above average players and Gibson is an average starter. Adams with pretty much any other PG would average 15 and 12 and Oladipo 17, Kanter 20. Salonis is a keeper and mcbuckets can shoot the three, good enough for at least a quality bench player. And Gibson, Adams and Oladipo play

Last night summed up why he isn’t the MVP. He took almost half of his team’s shots as the PG, effectively freezing out his teammates, and then completely choked the game away in the last minute. In the last four games he has lost to Portland twice, Dallas and Phx. Lebron with Earl Boykins as his starting PG might lose

No, like all food, tacos are supposed to be delicious. And these are some crazy delicious tacos, man.

Heat is a seriously underrated movie. One of my all-time favorites.