Roy M.

Focused on that grift of “they are misrepresenting my argument” defense I see. Man Jason you are a joke. At least I got to see you go from “Bloomberg isn’t an Oligarch” to “Okay Bloomberg is an Oligarch” live on twitter, too bad people who just read this article won’t see you clearly rewriting history. Also smart move

Oh no I enjoyed the chat!

I disagree with identify who he called a fake progressive. But even if they were referencing Bernie, he is a socialist which by definition calls for a big structural change of our economic and foreign policy. He still by definition cannot be a fake progressive. He would actually be to the left of a progressive.

Calling Barbara Smith a fake progressive hero becuase she disagrees with you.. That is just hubris and derangement of the highest order... careful you don’t fashion a world where only those who a agree with your exact definitions and world view are permitted to be a “real progressive hero” *cough* facism *cough*

Jason Johnson’s brain: Shit Bernie Sanders is doing really well when last year I thought he would be out by August... time to manufacture some consent.

Hilary Clinton is a demon who has ravaged South America and Africa literally destablizing countries yet we pretend she is some sort of “slay queen” icon. She needs to just fade into oblivion. My despise of the Clinton’s goes beyond some idiot right wing reactionary bullshit or some “I just don’t like how she comes

Yea I know Russia came to her and told her not to campaign even once in the two states that lost it to her.. I know, it’s easy to blame Russia and not her own negligence.

It blows my mind of the top 4 candidates Warren consistently polls loosing to Trump especially in battleground states and if Hilary could poll higher than Trump and still lose one would would expect we want someone who beats Trump by an even larger margin... I mean I can’t be the only person who sees 1+2 doesn’t equal

Capitalism always rears it’s ugly head... go on keep making the point for us socialist. We will win this war of attrition the more you guys show a lack of human decency.

When someone gets arrested in college for protesting with fellow black students in a time where overt racism was rampant but since we don’t like him for whatever reason we have to minimize it’s effect so people don’t actually realize that it took real and genuine courage.. ya’ll are clowns and you don’t even realize

Black Leaders Committee: We have to demand better from our politicians and make them focus not just on coming to black communities when its election time but focus on policy that affects us especially those who have shown history of direct action and activism..

It’s only a shocker Cory isn’t there if you haven’t been paying any attention.. he has been polling among the lowest of the low from the beginning. And is the only one who has literally had to beg to stay in the race so I’m surprised he is still in the race. Get some black and brown candidates with real leftist

I fully support your first point but your second point is stupid... who cares about diversity if you get the same thing. If Corey Booker or Kamala Harris, or Julian Castro were saying exactly what Bernie was saying then you would have an argument. They are all just different faces of the same neoliberal coin. And if

Prepare to loose forever Republicans of Kentucky.... if they go and vote.

he needs to go and join Kamala

If you don’t get your homophobia about Pete Buttigieg out of here... go do some research about what he has done in South Bend. If he can’t take care of one town without scandal on scandal on scandal why should black people vote for him.. try again.

Area man polling below 5% upset that area woman polling at 5% dropping out is not good, mostly because it means mean that he should probably drop out soon too.

Got dayum I love this! Ya’ll need to push this on the site cuz I only found this through searching your personal articles and these people are the ones that need to see it more than anyone.. I genuinely enjoy reading what you write!

Michael Harriot I actually enjoy virtually all of his articles... I enjoy The Root for their obvious emphasis on news as it relates to black people, but when they step into electoral politics they are generally atrocious.

Funny when you begin by calling someone a speckly pictured anonymous person while being a speckly pictured anonymous person yourself.. on top of that you don’t actually engage with the substance of his arguement just the feeling you go from it... it is a fact Obama literally argued for moderation in his recent