
Hmm, your bluff has been called. I think ten years would be a sufficient amount of time, though.

Presumably they'll reuse that scene of Emily Blunt doing that torso lift. Perhaps it could be in all future films - it doesn't really require context.

Hmmm, according to the wiki he's a tactical genius, so that should probably rank him above at least Apollo, who was very moderate tactically.

Rank the creeds: Apollo, Assassin, Nicene

Is there a scene where a major newspaper of the day publishes a photo of her in a form-fitting outfit and describes her as 'flaunting her curves', to illustrate the sexism of the era and how far we've progressed as a society?

Marvel: Sage 'n' Turkey Sandwich.

I hope that she is because I want the film to be good. I'm just becoming steadily more prejudiced against people from privileged backgrounds, although that's really a problem for me rather than them!

Todd Haynes' adaptation of Carol will presumably come out (gag!) this year. That will hopefully be great, although I haven't seen Rooney Mara in anything and am generally wary of the projects involving children of billionaires.

Darts is weird.

Multiple time darts champion Phil 'The Power' Taylor lost a lot of weight a few years ago and decided that his play deteriorated so much because of it that he put the weight back on. Something to do with an altered centre of gravity, I think. Or maybe he just missed the pies.

Has there ever been a more implausible piece of casting? In my limited film watching past I can't think of one.

Whose haircut would you most like to change, and what style would you choose for them?

The Mexican is always the worst film of the year. Every year, forever.

"Damn it Chlo - er, Carrie."

Has a Homeland/24 crossover ever been mooted? Do the two networks they show on have any relationship that might make this possible? It would surely be wonderful, right?

Ha! I remember watching that at the time and as someone with no knowledge of the accent thinking it bizarre. From memory it was the way she pronounced 'a' while spelling out the state names. Something like that.

I finished Station Eleven not long ago and it was great. Rarely do I get to these buzzy books even close to the time of their release but I'm glad to have done so for this one.

I hadn't really though of that with Haller; isn't it just a way of showing how poorly things work in practice on both sides of the process?

Yeah, you're right. I think what I meant is that he has sympathy for the individual having to work within a system that is so unwieldy and brutal, but then that's probably the position of the majority of crime writers.

Ha! I made a comment along these lines I think in the review of the Redmayne film, but I'm trying to resist the urge to do so each time a story like this comes along. It is dispiriting, though, and I also wonder what it says about acting as a craft, if such a narrow subset of people can all be considered to excel at