Screw separate beds, let’s talk about totally different wings of a house.
Screw separate beds, let’s talk about totally different wings of a house.
I think the equivalent here would be some older white dude holding up Ann Coulter book. Nobody would care either way.
Sanders' supporters would probably go so far as to help the poor sap with the big words too...
Commercial kitchens sell to restaurants and the like, not individuals.
This is a ridiculous suggestion.
Hey, nobody stoned you over that quip.
I am unfortunately both colorblind and fruitblind, so I could really use some help here. I was not prepared for a test.
How was your commute?
If someone wants to dive into Atlas Shrugged right behind Bernie Sanders’ head during a rally I would have zero problems with it. As I’m sure the vast majority of people there would as well.
Why not? I love books. If they want to protest that way, it's cool. They're not being loud or disruptive.
Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.
It’s exactly civili disobedience like this that we need. We can spread it through social media and it gets the point across. We also need to keep ourselves from looking bad on social media, which is why the Mizzou protests are so successful. If we win the social media war, we win the war. Pretty simple.
The fuckin puppets are money
It's not your fault.
The judge’s sentence: “Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah”
Can we make “killing an Arab"a new slang term for fappin it?