
Hmm. Another case of right church, wrong pew?

Mary Kay Letourneau vibe intensifies.

A parental unit is ordained in The Church of Universal Life, I may seriously think about possibly looking at a brochure for this brand of merry renegades. The Satanists, I mean.

“Hail Satan!” is getting easier to say with each passing day.

True, but the referendum of online commenting in the “Should You Chime In” was spot on in spirit, if in the tired game show format. Many dumb and boring people love to blather in the digital public sphere, adding nothing to our shared human experience, bloviating pointlessly, sometimes even hurting eachother with

Not sure which is more cringeworthy, “beeves” or “whimsy”.

My dog acts equally exuberant after taking a shit.

I do realize I’m being trolled, but I'm guessing that the other (as of now) 140 ppl who get it must be stupid and wrong in your book.

Whether or not you’re willing or able to accept it, context is king.

Yeah it’s genius, and I’d expect to see more of it now, but what books are racist trolls going to read at a leftier rally and still look good doing it. That Ayn Rand comment above was brilliant.

Depends on what you’re reading at whose rally. And whether you know the difference between punching up, and punching down.

An exception being event caterers.

“Uh, I was told we weren’t going to be tested on fruit comparisons today?”

Now I feel better about a Jeff Gilooly joke I made a bit ago.

Do these look the same to you

I’m emabarrassed to say that after waiting the entire track to hear her say “what the fuck”, or just “WTF”, it was the very last “Where they from” that it finally sunk in. I am a moron.

Not even Jeff Gilooly could stop this guy.

♫♪Standing on the beach, going numb in my hand...♫♪

Well, we know where he’ll be on the 17th if you want to smash him in the face with a brick for us.

Buy 2 of them so he can look like Princess Leia in time for Star Wars!