
I’m also really enjoying The Fuse. It’s a police procedural set on a space station.

Hopefully we can let the science guide us without people’s personal bias from either extreme...

TRON: Legacy was maybe not the best film ever

I really don't blame him for Green Lantern though. Was he the perfect GL? No but the script and the plot let him down more than anything.

I don't blame him, I blame the shitty writing and directing. Just like I don't blame Afleck for DareDevil

X Files/West Wing crossover would be fun but I think it's more fun to retcon the West Wing into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You do this by turning FBI Special Agent Michael Casper into an Agent Of Shield who has been assigned undercover to protect/keep an eye on the President.
While he was there he covered up

In the images we've seen, they just look like super-stretchy yoga pants with an Avengers logo and design. Not armored, Under Armour.

Star Wars has had seven movies - episodes 1 through 6 and the Clone Wars theatrical release. Put those seven movies up against the seven best movies Marvel has made and it's not even a contest. Not even close.

"JASON: Oh yeah. But that's even in Monty Python, isn't it? Remember Monty Python and the Holy Grail, he's the Messiah. "

Show's producers said it wasn't him.

the U.S. Navy's new suit also lacks flippers. We've asked why

They're clones of angels under mind control of the pilot.

Giant Robots are the best in any form!

I know you've covered the cyborg part, but I still say they are not robots, but are artificial lifeforms in suits of armor/restraint. Several of them have operated without needing external power.

You forgot Gurren Lagann, who in its final form was made of pure energy and could hurl galaxies.

I ghwwwf purfff bnnnn uhfuuh.

It helps that the series is really freaking good.

Screw it, I'm just gonna come out and say it.