Chuck’s not fat enough.
Chuck’s not fat enough.
It actually kind of makes sense if he has a problem while web slinging.
How do the Q do the things that Q do.
How does Spock Mind Meld?
Also...Vampire Willow...Amazing :)
Damn I liked a lot of the movies on your list. Some of them I loved. You left off one of his movies that I absolutely hate though. Matchstick Men.
Isn’t their limited distribution in the US a valid topic. It could be lead to the failure of the show. If it’s a huge success I’m sure they’ll let us know, but it seems really risky. My understanding is the rest of the world is getting this on existing streaming services. Why does CBS not want me to watch Star Trek?
I pay for HBO because it has an excellent catalogue of shows I want to watch. This is trying to get me to pay for a streaming service for one series. If I wanted to watch five variations on CSI I guess it would be a value but I’m not interested. If they broadcast the show on their network and then put it on the…
Edit: I meant Warcraft.
That didn’t stop them from showing up for Warhammer.
My guess is that white collar crime is acceptable in the purge’s oligarchy. So it goes on 365 days per year. The white collar criminals are locked up in their heavily secured homes on the night of the purge. The purge is about thinning out the poor.
There were some really great ones at the show that aren’t on here. Oddly I didn’t see a lot of these.
They walked by my table and I laughed out loud.
It was a really pleasant weekend.
For somebody who brags about paying as little in taxes as possible, Trump sure cries a lot about others paying their fair share.
When I was in elementary school a couple of young entrepreneurs took to buying these magazines and sold the posters inside them at big markups. The were making good money before the school shut them down.
Yeah. Minus the bounty on his ankle it could have been a Superbowl season.
It doesn’t hurt that Hellboy comes with a built in Universe. Stand Alone Abe, BPRD, and Liz movies are possibilities . That’s not even counting possible movies that fall into the history of the universe like Witchfinder, and Lobster Johnson (tough sell because of the name but the content is good).
I live in Texas. I have a lot of family and friends on the east coast who I can’t see on a regular basis. Facebook has helped me stay in touch with them. It’s not that I don’t care enough to actively contact them. They live very far away.
This is what I came to say. I haven’t read this story but I find myself defending Marvel a lot on this one. Do people want the same exact unsophisticated storys told over and over again?