
Ha! As a woman, I personally feel overdressed in anything less than two band aids and a g string. And if at least one creepy truck driver hasn't catcalled me that day, I want to kill myself out of fear I'm not sexy enough.

Maybe in a zombie apocalypse you become less picky and are willing to swing the other way for a little affection. Hell, I'd even be finding that scientist's mullet sexy in that world.

This is a magical world where people don't seem to need normal, human amounts of water, food, or sleep! Sounds great, I'm sick of maintaining my basic physiological needs!

Hey, it's classified. You know, because government secrets are super important in an anarchic zombie wasteland

It takes precisely as long as the writers need for the most dramatic purposes.

Really? A big, handsome manly man holding a precious little baby is about the sexiest thing imaginable to me and my exploding ovaries.

Beth does not deserve sweet Darryl lovin'

Yeah, I think Rick and Darryl were about to go find Tyreese to tell him when the first shell hit the guard tower

Totally, it might be the only real sustenance they could find for weeks

It lacks proper character development. The characters exist as plot devices. Except for Carol, who I love, and Glenn, who is the greatest, even if he not as funny and adorable as he was in the beginning.

THIS! Drives me crazy. Everyone should have a fanny pack attached to them 24/7 with a few small emergency supplies for a quick escape including a map that details rendezvous spots. Obviously fanny packs are dorky as hell but these are people who haven't showered or changed their clothes in about two years so I think

Julia and Joel are SO dull, but that scene with Joel on the couch flexing his perfect man arms behind his head reminded me that he might be boring but he is The Perfect Specimen of a Man. Sigh.

Especially as her father is meant to be the giant John Corbett (be still, my beating heart). He's like 6'4" or something, Lauren Graham is 5'9" or 10" and somehow their genes supposedly combined to create wee little Amber.

Yes, now they need to give him some actual storylines - ones that impact the whole group in some way - instead of just having him react (awesomely) to everyone else's storylines! Let's have Winston fall in love with Jess, or have a relative visit for a weekend which then turns into months, causing everyone to go mad,

I really, really liked Elizabeth. More Elizabeth please!