
Does she even know the word “meme” was invented by a man?

“Today, a woman named Alana Hope Levinson, a “journalist” with around 30 readers, decided it was time for her to voice her concern that people are “ruining her experiences” without consultation from the rest of the internet (it wasn’t time and will never be time)“


Sorry Alana, but you don’t have any more of a right

Easy, you don’t like it, don’t follow them on Twitter. Better yet, don’t use Twitter. Done.

Another, “men shut up,” post.

3/5 Mustangs: If the out of control wheelspin causes the Mustang to hit a stationary object like a post, bush, tree or is otherwise damaged (tire puncture, clutch or engine failure) Threat level: MODERATE

Now playing

I think this was the original, original F&F trailer from 2001, that got everyone out of their seats. It’s a much better scored and sequenced trailer in my opinion.

He’s wearing camouflage pants.

In all fairness, nobody’s won with a floor routine that’s 50% thumb-dance since Nadia Comaneci in 1976


They’re yet another sign of Russia’s infiltration and perversion of American values.

Can anyone explain the sudden explosion of Mule drinks? I swear I never heard of anyone really drinking them, just kind of admiring the copper mugs for most of my life. But now they’re everywhere. A specialty Moscow Mule bar has even opened up here. Are Mules just a fad destined to peter out due to their own

Pretty sure that’s a crossover, bro.

I came here to read something on par with what today is considered insensitivity or miscommunication or something...but WOW. That guy has some issues to say the least.

Sure: Pink Topped Punching Lady, aka White Trash Russian with a twist:

Ingredients: Redbull, 1 2/3 oz Grain alcohol, 1 oz Fresh cream, 1/8 tsp red KoolAid powder.

I had a similar thing happen to me!

After executing a PERFECT late apex on T4 I had probably 2mph on this girl. She sees me over her shoulder and drops hard to the inside. **Sigh** So I roll my eyes and pull to the outside to finish the pass, and, what does this idiot do?


wow! look at all that leg room!

I’ve flown United twice this year and I will never fly them again.

This ain’t right.

And by “right,” I don’t mean “accurate.” Because it’s definitely accurate.

i built an lego replica of his yard