

No I didn’t compare my dog to a seeing eye dog. I was telling an anecdotal story about my experience with Lyft and allowing pets. Someone very close to me trains ADA service dogs, and I have a pretty firm grasp on the difference.

I’m actually surprised they don’t educate their drivers more about ADA laws. Service animals are well known and the laws are well understood here. I was only saying that because Seattle makes such an effort to accommodate that it’s hard for me to imagine a place where a driver would actually tell a blind person they

I think it’s more of a driver by driver basis but I have brought my dog with me on several Lyft rides. It helps that my dog is super calm and Seattle is absurdly dog friendly. Generally after they accept the ride, I call them up and say, “Hey, is it cool if a dog comes with? If it’s not I will cancel it so it doesn’t

The more I think about this the less sense I can make of it....

While it doesn’t require going really fast, pulling the ebrake while moving slowly in reverse in a car with an internal drum ebrake (like a JK wrangler) will cause the auto adjust to ratchet out a bit and make the ebrake work a tiny bit better.

Only if you want Bluetooth (I did, and that’s why I have it).

Only if you want Bluetooth (I did, and that’s why I have it).

Blue Friday is the dumbest tradition. Everywhere else it is just accepted that you can wear your jersey on the Friday before a game. In Seattle, people pretend like they invented it (12th man amirite). That said, I’ve never been given shit in my office for wearing an opposing teams jersey on Blue Friday.

It’s on blocks

SS3 is really off topic, but I REALLY wish they would allow me to play it on my xbox one.... I miss it sooooo much.

This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient but I do love EV’s

Well now I know what fuel my tryptophan induced nightmares this thanksgiving... SO MANY POINTS OF FAILURE...

I used to fly the cheapest fare when I was a struggling fresh college grad who only flew occasionally. Now that I have to travel often for work and back to the east coast to visit my family all the time, I almost always spend the extra money to fly an airline I like (alaska air) because the little things start to add

I’ve been to Bingas. I was hammered, but I remember the wings being legit.

The rubber nubs allow you to open the hood and prop it against the windshield without using the prop. My old TJ didn’t have the prop so I always just put it against the windshield and hoped the wind didn’t blow.

This pushes all the right buttons for me except for that center console. If I’m gonna drive a big land yacht I really would want a bench seat up front.

What generation? I had a 97 with a stick when I was 19 that was pretty close to aero governed at 135.
I can confirm that when I lifted it felt like the car was going to explode. Maybe it wasn’t aero governed, maybe I was just afraid to push something rattling that hard any faster.

I really have no idea, it seems to have the same cancerous properties but only affects paint. If you are happy to strip all the paint, prime and spray again, then yeah, I think it is easier than fixing rust because it doesn’t do any real damage to the base material. I’m now having PTSD flashbacks to fixing my rusty

While aluminum wont rust away, it will turn into aluminum oxide. If you see any wrangler driving around with paint bubbling off the hinges on the doors, that is because those hinges are made from aluminum and were not prepped well enough to prevent corrosion. I don’t care on my shitty jeeps, but I bet people paying 50

I know that offroad park. It’s Tahuya State Forest near Belfair WA. I’m honestly surprised the golf handled it with composure. It looks like it would be the perfect ski vehicle. I’ll have to go take a look at it when they hit the dealers.

The driving looks fake, but that dialogue is REAL.