
Biggest problem with that is that Nintendo will have to have a high resolution, high framerate headset. That is just not cheap enough right now, maybe in 5 years or so.

Is this the kind of shit this place has come to? The pressure to shit out articles must be pretty high.

The ND miata has more room in the seat compared to an s2000, I barely fit in the miata, the s2000 isn’t as comfortable. Also, it’s not all about lb/hp a lighter car is just more fun to drive for me.

I love the s2000 just as much as the next guy, but I’d rather get a newer miata over an s2000. I’ll take the car that’s 500lbs lighter and more fun to drive (in my opinion). I barely fit into a 2016 miata, no way am I fitting in an s2000.

It’s the difference between playing Skyrim, and being in Skyrim.

Should developers be forced to develop their game for all vr headsets?

You can still play a lot of AAA games using vorpX with the newest version of the rift.

The Rift is a more premium headset. It’s lighter, more comfortable, has significantly better lenses with a bigger sweet spot. People have been developing games for it for about 3 years.

Your opinion will change, maybe not now, but within the year.

The Rift is sold out until July, I doubt it’s going to fail. Just like $600+ video cards have failed, right? And people aren’t spending $1000+ on gaming monitors, right?

All it takes is one person on the “block” to buy it and every one of his/her friends to try it out. The PSVR and other VR headsets will sell by word of mouth and people trying them out. Most VR debbie downers have never tried good VR, so they are skeptical. Comparing it to the wii or 3D tv is something that people who

I suggest you try it out before you make stupid assumptions like that. None of the things you listed were anywhere near as good as VR is right now. If you don’t think VR is the future, you will change your mind sooner or later.

If you think buying good quality food is 3 times as expensive, you are shopping at the wrong place. Walmart food is utter trash, so many preservatives, artificial this and that, just complete nonsense for things that should be extremely simple. Why does bread have 30 ingredients, why does it need high fructose corn

Not rich, just no student loans and a good paying job. More like middle class, not rich.

Only if she was a poor fuck.

$1500 for the rift and rift ready PC. Not over 3 grand.

Thousands got into the beta, but millions have pre-purchased the game. I doubt that’s an issue.

The main issue is with how fucking expensive 130 is. It is the fastest way to get to work for me, but it’s not worth the hundreds it would cost me a month.

Don’t you pay $60+ a year for dlc on almost all sports games anyways? Roster updates for $60 + card packs and other stupid microtransactions.

This is exactly why these game developers are against emulation. Idiots like this will still pay money for games that are years or even decades old.