
Are we so starved for injustices to get upset about that we've resorted to complaining about how a HBO Show premiering in 2019 might offend certain people when they watch it because there's a chance the creators will make it a show all about "Black people are back in chains" and may secretly glorify slavery and the

The Internet has concluded their barrage of attacks on Andrew Garfield for his tone deaf comment about homosexuality and have since moved onto attacking the concept of a show that's 2 years away from premiering without any facts or basis beyond calling it unoriginal

No, O'Neal simply went into great detail about why he thinks this show should not be made because he doesn't want to see another movie with black actors playing slaves and he presupposes the concept might uncomfortably remind Americans that racism still exists without even seeing the show first.

Why did AV Club flag my post criticizing this logic and reasoning in this article as SPAM? Interesting